
How many paths?

The answer is B. The condition 4 > 4 evaluates to False, while the conditions 4 == 4 and 4 <= 4 both evaluate to True. However because in our code the program would meet elif 4 == 4 first, it would execute the body contained in that branch. A program can only follow one branch in a conditional statement.

Close enough

a = 5
b = 5.1

if abs(b - a) < 0.1 * abs(a):

If you may have a different order of a and b from you neighbour then you may see different results with certain pairs of values.

Counting Vowels

vowels = 'aeiouAEIOU'
sentence = 'Mary had a little lamb.'
count = 0
for char in sentence:
    if char in vowels:
        count += 1

print("The number of vowels in this string is " + str(count))
